Many people make the assumption that poor vision is something that comes naturally with age. This may be true when it comes to reading and close work, but blurred vision or partial loss of sight is not normal and is usually caused by disease or injury. Don’t put off your eye health – now is the perfect time for older adults to have their eyes checked and learn how to keep their eyes healthy.
Many problems are discovered and corrected through community awareness of eye health as well as routine health checks. With the help of fundraising and research into cures for low vision, eye diseases, and blindness talking about eye health is more common now than ever. There was an initiative in 1996 to look at better vision health awareness with diabetic related problems. It has now evolved into an awareness campaign that encompasses any and all ailments that can affect vision.
Catching serious eye diseases and disorders like glaucoma and cataracts early makes treatment much more effective. Women are at a slightly higher risk of serious eye disease than men. There is no determined reason in testing, but statistics show it to be the case. Senior-age women in particular should be diligent in getting regular eye exams.
It may be true that glasses can correct vision, but there is no cure for blindness or severe vision loss. Typically, once your vision is gone, it is gone. This makes it important to take care of your eyes and have frequent checks to see if there are any problems. Optimal vision will serve you well over the years and ensure you stay safe and are able to live life to the fullest. Adequate vision makes it possible to have a good quality of life and stay independent longer.
Because preventable diseases or injury cause the majority of vision loss, take steps now to make sure you are doing everything you can to keep your eyes healthy and working properly. Part of maintaining your independence and continually enjoying your day-to-day life is the health of your eyes. Never settle for deteriorating health because the world tells you it is part of aging. Research shows that proper eye care can eliminate many of the eye health problems that plague many older adults today.